Monday 28 February 2011

Lesson 8

This lesson, we were finishing off our music magazine, our contents and our double page spread. We had to make it more appealing to read so I used eye catching font and lots of colours. However, because my genre is rock, I had to keep my magazine very similar to other rock magazines by having quite dark colours  ( black and Blue) and Bold, gothic sort of font style.

Monday 14 February 2011

Lesson 7

I started on this lesson with working on my double page spread. i have decided to do an interview on my double page spread as they are frequently used in all genres of magazines so it would be fitting to do an interview. I also started redesigning my Front cover as it looked very unconventional and un eye catching. I have improved it by more colour and font.

Photo's for double page spread

Monday 7 February 2011

Lesson 6

This weeks lesson we were beginning the design for our contents pages. I have decided to go with the two main colours of Black and Red. this is because these are colours associated with rock music, as well as by adding anymore colours e.g orange, green, pink, it does not look like a rock and roll magazine and looks like it was designed by a student and not a professional magazine editor. Also, I conducted some research in to other rock magazines and they mainly only use two colours.