Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation- Question 3-Bullet Point case study

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

 I will be using IPC Media as my distributer because: 

·      They are the UK’s leading magazine publisher.
·      They produce over 60 million brands of magazines, including NME (a music magazine with the same genre as mine).
·      They cover a diverse range of genres of magazines.
·      A big gap in their portfolio for more music magazines.
·      NME has a really limited audience (only appeals to men) whereas Fierce appeals to both genders so therefore we have widened the audience.
·      Appeal to the younger generation as there is a magazine purely written and dedicated to them.
·      NME is a popular music magazine, so if Fierce is under the same publisher as NME, people will most likely buy Fierce to compare it to NME.
·      Has unveiled a 24 mobile optimized- site (appeal to the teenage market as they are always on their phones, appropriate for my music magazine to be published by IPC).

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