Thursday 7 April 2011

Question 5 Part 2- Annotation

Hattie is a college student and fellow friend who is the perfect candidate for Fierce Magazine. We had an exclusive interview in which she discussed the positives and the negatives of the magazine.
Luke: So Hattie what are the positives of Fierce magazine?
Hattie: The Positive thing is that it has great colours and fonts and i can tell that this is the kind of magazine that my generation would read. Also the competitions Fierce offer appeal to teenagers.
Luke: What would you say are the negatives of the magazine?
Hattie: I personally think that the front cover could of had more on it as it were very empty, and maybe more pictures for your double page spread.
Luke: If Fierce was a real magazine, would you buy it do you think?
Hattie: I love rock music and I think if there was alot more on offer, then yes I definently would.

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