Thursday 7 April 2011

Question 5 Part 2- Annotation

Hattie is a college student and fellow friend who is the perfect candidate for Fierce Magazine. We had an exclusive interview in which she discussed the positives and the negatives of the magazine.
Luke: So Hattie what are the positives of Fierce magazine?
Hattie: The Positive thing is that it has great colours and fonts and i can tell that this is the kind of magazine that my generation would read. Also the competitions Fierce offer appeal to teenagers.
Luke: What would you say are the negatives of the magazine?
Hattie: I personally think that the front cover could of had more on it as it were very empty, and maybe more pictures for your double page spread.
Luke: If Fierce was a real magazine, would you buy it do you think?
Hattie: I love rock music and I think if there was alot more on offer, then yes I definently would.


I have been trying to finish my blog, but whenever I try to view my pictures, they never come up and I have no idea why. I must try and get to the root of my problem and try to solve it as quick as possible.

Monday 4 April 2011

Lesson 11

Today I have finished off my Evaluation and I feel very proud as it is all complete and I have set out to acheive what I wanted.


Double Page Spread

Front Cover

Evaluation- Question 6&7 -SWOT Analysis

Evaluation- Question 5 Part 1 - Annotation

       Question 5: How did you attract/ address your audience?           

   1.       I’ve attracted my audience by using rock and roll colours to entice them in e.g. black, red and white.
   2.      I offer the reader chance to win prizes and competitions that will appeal to them
   3.     I offer a range of other singers and bands on my magazine.
   4.     The main picture is of a teenager, this shows that the target audience for my magazine is teenagers
   5.     Gives enough information on what’s inside magazine magazine.
   6.      Offer exclusive interviews that only Fierce offer, make the magazine special.

Monday 28 March 2011

Lesson 10

In today's lesson I completed questions  3, 4 and 5. I've done question 3 as a bullet point case study on IPC and why it is suitable for my magazine, question 4 i did a profile on my friend Harriet who would read my magazine and question 5 with an annotation of my magazine.

Evaluation- Question 4- Profile of audience

Who would be the audience for your media product?

UserHomes:30052070:Documents:contents pic 3.jpg



Name: Harriet Hender
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Favourite bands/ singers: The Pretty Reckless, NickelBack and 30 seconds to mars
Likes: Festivals, clubbing, house parties and going out with friends.
Dislikes: classical music, exams, teachers and being controlled by her parents.
Other magazines she buys: NME and Kerrang
How she spends her time: Playing the guitar in her rock band and trying to get tickets to festivals.

Evaluation- Question 3-Bullet Point case study

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

 I will be using IPC Media as my distributer because: 

·      They are the UK’s leading magazine publisher.
·      They produce over 60 million brands of magazines, including NME (a music magazine with the same genre as mine).
·      They cover a diverse range of genres of magazines.
·      A big gap in their portfolio for more music magazines.
·      NME has a really limited audience (only appeals to men) whereas Fierce appeals to both genders so therefore we have widened the audience.
·      Appeal to the younger generation as there is a magazine purely written and dedicated to them.
·      NME is a popular music magazine, so if Fierce is under the same publisher as NME, people will most likely buy Fierce to compare it to NME.
·      Has unveiled a 24 mobile optimized- site (appeal to the teenage market as they are always on their phones, appropriate for my music magazine to be published by IPC).

Lesson 9

In this lesson, we were beginning to write out our evaluation. I have done question 1 in a slide share format to show some creativity to the examiner, and question 2 as a essay to show that I also have an understanding of the music magazine market.

Monday 21 March 2011

Evaluation- Question 2-Essay

How does your Media product represent particular social groups?

The main genre for “Fierce” magazine is rock and roll.  The main target audience for “Fierce” magazine would be aimed at teenagers, as there is a teenage rock star on my front cover whom people might aspire to be like or even fancy. Her hair is covering her eyes and she is glaring at the camera giving off a moody persona. The way she is posed shows what type of people may be interested in reading “Fierce” magazine. As well as this, the title acts as a describing word not only for the model that I have used, but also for the target audience: Young, Fierce and independent individuals.

For the front cover, the rock star is standing in front of a grungy brick wall, which gives off the view that this is the sort of place where rebellious teenagers may hang out, and they can relate to Vicky (the model) due to where she is standing. So they may read this because it catches their eye and is similar to them. The way that I represent my Target audience by my magazine is that they are moody teenagers
(The star on the front cover) who are independent
(Vicky is standing in a confident position and is photographed on her own). It could be debated that I’m representing teenagers in a negative way, but the truth is not all teenagers are happy with themselves, and this magazine is about opening up to who they are and being proud to be an individual and not a follower.

My magazine front cover is not in the same style of a stereotypical rock magazine. I use a girl on the front cover as for a rock magazine; they normally have men on the front cover. This may be different to a normal rock magazine, but this simple change also supports the message of my magazine, which is about being an individual and not following a crowd.

Evaluation- Question 1- Slide Share

Monday 28 February 2011

Lesson 8

This lesson, we were finishing off our music magazine, our contents and our double page spread. We had to make it more appealing to read so I used eye catching font and lots of colours. However, because my genre is rock, I had to keep my magazine very similar to other rock magazines by having quite dark colours  ( black and Blue) and Bold, gothic sort of font style.

Monday 14 February 2011

Lesson 7

I started on this lesson with working on my double page spread. i have decided to do an interview on my double page spread as they are frequently used in all genres of magazines so it would be fitting to do an interview. I also started redesigning my Front cover as it looked very unconventional and un eye catching. I have improved it by more colour and font.

Photo's for double page spread

Monday 7 February 2011

Lesson 6

This weeks lesson we were beginning the design for our contents pages. I have decided to go with the two main colours of Black and Red. this is because these are colours associated with rock music, as well as by adding anymore colours e.g orange, green, pink, it does not look like a rock and roll magazine and looks like it was designed by a student and not a professional magazine editor. Also, I conducted some research in to other rock magazines and they mainly only use two colours.

Monday 31 January 2011

Lesson 5

In this lesson, I began designing my contents page and finishing off my front cover of my music magazine. For both the front cover and the contents, I needed to think of ideas that will appeal to the target audience of rock. In the magazine, I use competitions to award shows and backstage news at a latest rock festival to grab the audiences attention and make them want to buy the magazine. Also I use language like 'Wanna' and 'Cool' to show that my magazine is down to earth and is not like any other stereotypical serious magazine.

Monday 24 January 2011

Lesson 4

This weeks lesson was again doing the layout of our music magazine. I used popular music magazine Kerrang as a guideline to help me make the magazine a lot more rock and roll. As well as this,  I used photoshop on my photos in order to make them look more realistic and not average looking. I also changed my font styles and colours so that they were suitable for the genre rock, as well as make the magazine more appealing.

Monday 17 January 2011

Lesson 3

This weeks lesson was doing our layout for the music magazine. I had to pick out the fonts to use as well as show where I was going to put my cover lines and my chosen pictures. For next lesson, I am going to take more pictures as they were too up close, as well s buy more music magazines so I can see how to make my magazine more believable.

Friday 14 January 2011

Lesson 2

In this lesson, our lecturer Emma gave us a deadline for us to design our music magazine as well as tidying up any loose ends that we might have; e.g. type up unfinished essays, download photo's for our magazine etc.

Photos for Rock magazine.

Monday 10 January 2011

Rock Music

The chosen genre for my music magazine is Rock. Rock is very popular in todays society with both adults and teenagers, often rockstars are seen as aggressive and mean, e.g Black Sabbath Band Mate Ozzy Osbourne famously ate a bats head live on stage and The Pretty Reckless Lead singer Taylor Momsen is known for her outrageously flamboyant and skimpy outfits, despite the fact that she is only 16 years old, many parents do not see rock stars as appropriate role models for their children for these reasons. Also, The Who were infamous for destroying their instruments live on stage, which not only looks bad on themselves, but it makes our view of rock stars being childish and violent.

Fitting in with the care free attitude, places you would generally associate rock and roll with are sleazy night clubs as they are not seen as a nice, clean cut type of people so when we think about where you may find a rock star, it is most likely going to be at a night club that hasn't got a good representation, rather than a library!

Sale Figures for Rock Magazines

NME Magazine Sales Of 2009- 33,875 - 53% down.

Kerrang Magazine Sales of 2009- 41,125- 21.3% down.

Mojo Magazine Sales of 2009- 98,484- 0.8% up.

IPC Magazine Sales of 2009- 75,518- 13.3% down.

The reason maybe why there is such a huge figure drop is because you can now access your rock magazine on the internet. They use the internet as it is updated daily and so the news is happening right now so the consumer gets all the information they need. It's also quicker and more convenient for customers to use, rather then them going out in all sorts of weather just to get a magazine that is filled with old news.

Student magazine reflection

The main advantages of my student magazine is that I made sure that it appealed to both genders by the use of colour (red and blue) as well as the pictures being of both boys and girls, so this way my audience wasn't limited. As well as this, the things used on my magazine appeal to the target audience of teenagers e.g. exam tips, tickets to a band and interview with a celebrity. All these factors benefit a teenage market so it will make them want to buy it and I am following the rules of the tasks.

However, the disadvantages of the student magazine, is that some of the stuff that I used may have been inappropriate for a student magazine, an interview with Taylor Momsen may not be what a teenager looks for in a student magazine, but instead be more focused on revision and exams. Also, I found using indesign very difficult and often had to rely on the teacher to help me out. when I am next designing a magazine cover, I will need to be ticking to what students look for in a student magazine, as well as learn more about the software that I am using.